The following elbow strengthening exercises are designed to improve strength of the muscles of the elbow. You should discuss the suitability of these exercises with your physiotherapist prior to beginning them. Generally, they should only be performed provided they do not cause or increase pain.
Begin with the basic elbow strengthening exercises. Once these are too easy, they can be replaced with the intermediate elbow strengthening exercises. As your strength improves, the advanced exercises can be added to the intermediate program.
Elbow Strengthening – Intermediate Exercises
The following intermediate elbow strengthening exercises should generally be performed 1 – 3 times per week provided they do not cause or increase pain. Ideally they should not be performed on consecutive days, to allow muscle recovery. As your elbow strength improves, the exercises can be progressed by gradually increasing the repetitions, number of sets or resistance provided they do not cause or increase pain.
Resistance Band Supination
Begin this exercise with a resistance band around your hand as demonstrated (figure 3). Your elbow should be at your side and bent to 90 degrees. Slowly rotate your forearm against the resistance band so your palm faces up. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible and comfortable without pain.

Resistance Band Pronation
Begin this exercise with a resistance band around your hand as demonstrated (figure 4). Your elbow should be at your side and bent to 90 degrees. Slowly rotate your forearm against the resistance band so your palm faces down. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible and comfortable without pain.

Resistance Band Bicep Curl
Begin this exercise with a resistance band under your feet and around your hands as demonstrated (figure 5). Your back and elbows should be straight. Slowly bend your elbows against the resistance band tightening your biceps. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible and comfortable without pain.

Resistance Band Tricep Extension
Begin this exercise with a resistance band held in both hands and tied securely at waist height as demonstrated (figure 6). Your elbows should begin bent. Keeping your back straight, slowly straighten your elbows against the resistance band tightening the muscles at the back of your arm (triceps). Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible and comfortable without pain.