Ankle And Foot

Wyclef Sports Medicine > Ankle And Foot
The ankle joint connects the foot with the lower leg. Three ligaments keep the ankle bones from shifting out of place, ligaments stabilize joints and help prevent excessive movement. A sprained ankle is when one of these ligaments is stretched too far or torn through rolling, twisting, of turning the ankles awkwardly.
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A sprained ankle is one of the most common injuries caused by participation in sports. It refers to soft tissue damage (mainly ligaments) around the ankle joint. A High Ankle Sprain refers to ligament damage at the joint between the shin bone (Tibia) and splint bone (Fibula). This joint is referred to as the Ankle Syndesmosis.
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Metatarsal fractures are the most common traumatic foot injuries. Broken Metatarsals have been prominent across all professional sports in the past five years, with several high profile athletes suffering Metatarsal fractures.
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Plantar Fasciitis is a common foot condition that causes heel pain and pain in the sole of the foot. Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the Plantar Fascia, a fibrous sheath that runs most of the length of the sole of the foot.
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Tibialis Posterior pain is a common running injury that can lead to Acquired Flat Foot and foot pain in later life. The Tibialis Posterior tendon can become inflamed, partially torn or ruptured, causing pain behind the bony prominence on the inside of the ankle.
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